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Boete Duitsland


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ik heb gevonden , actuel info van duitse website, 


ik heb gerijden op 27.07 dus geflits (ik vermoed) op snelheid rond 130km/h

dus 1 maand ‚met stertje , dus wat betekent van duits: 

„Wenn Sie zweimal innerhalb von 12 Monaten über 26 zu schnell gefahren sind.”

omdat ik heb binnen een jaar niet gerijden en boete niet gekrijgen, 

allen ik heb 13.07.2023 te snel gerijden - dat was 17km/h… 

telt dat of niet ??



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1 hour ago, adibe said:

allen ik heb 13.07.2023 te snel gerijden - dat was 17km/h… 

telt dat of niet ??

Nee, je zou opnieuw boven de 26 te snel moeten gereden hebben. Dat is dus niet.

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I dont understand so much...

one year ago I drove in Germany and in 13.07.2023 I drove to fast - 17km/h and I recieved boete 90euro.

this time in 27.07.2024 I drive on way 100km/h probably camera catch me on 133 km/h. so 33km/h to fast , after correction 3% - 4km/h and also that car is around 4 km/h slower that speed meter thats give me around 7 km /h after correction.

I don't understand what i written in this words:

„Wenn Sie zweimal innerhalb von 12 Monaten über 26 zu schnell gefahren sind.” - that I dont get so much

that penalty from 13.07 dont count ? because its allready one year passes by 13.07.2024 ??

so I dont recieve any fahrverbot because that uitzondering with that star...

Thanks for answer.


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24 minuten geleden, adibe zei:

„Wenn Sie zweimal innerhalb von 12 Monaten über 26 zu schnell gefahren sind.”

This states indeed that if you where driving faster than 26, within 12 months from the first infraction.
So if it's more than 12 months, you're good and you'll just have to look out for the next 12 months 😛 

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2 minuten geleden, adibe zei:

Thanks for quick reaction!

so this time Im lucky,

and I dont recieve any rijverbod, only money penalty and one point ?

Unless you have a German drivers license, you don't have points to begin with.

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The points are indeed dropped for foreign visitors for normal speeding tickets. So they probably also don't get your license if you drive over 26 multiple times, as you didn't accrue any points for the first time?

For foreigners the license is usually revoked if the offence is big enough to revoke the license immediately. Even then, you can ask for a letter that states that you are not allowed to drive anymore in Germany, but keeping your license in Belgium as you did not send it to them. You can ofcourse send it to them, but that would be a bit silly as you can't drive anywhere else then. 

Don't worry too much in advance. Just see what comes in through the post 🙂 

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So if I recieve letter (when I recieve rijverbod if I get it) I send it back and I will be not able to drive in Germany for one month.

I read somewhere that I can send copy of drive license, and that would be enough.

But in my case, I dont have to send it because I dont recieve any rijverbod.


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41 minuten geleden, Polygoon zei:

Unless you have a German drivers license, you don't have points to begin with.

I got Belgian drivelicense.

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2 uren geleden, Polygoon zei:

This states indeed that if you where driving faster than 26, within 12 months from the first infraction.
So if it's more than 12 months, you're good and you'll just have to look out for the next 12 months 😛 

if get that penalty on 27.07 and I drive within that year again with fault then I recieve rijverbod.

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  • 3 weken later...

As a foreigner it can take some time. I've had mixed results with the fastest being less than 2 weeks, but the longest over 3 months.

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Ben denk ik ook geflitst in Duitsland. 

Weliswaar geen flits gezien maar er stond een camera en ik reed te vlug( 110 waar ik 90 mocht) 

Ben benieuwd😁

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dus rond 4=5 km/h minus 110 geef 105 km/h nog 3 km/h correctie resultaat is rond 102-103 km/h

in bovenste tabel = 102 - dat is 12 km/h te snel . ik vermoed dat jij zal betalen 40euros.

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